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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • It is not under consideration for publication anywhere else
  • The originality of the manuscript was checked by Turniton software or any of the other similar tools for checking similarity index. Overall, the similarity index is below 18 %.
  • Its publication has been approved by all co-authors
  • In case of any claims for compensation, the publisher will have no legal responsibility
  • Responsibility for the accuracy of the manuscript content lies entirely on the authors
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The work described has not been published before in any format including languages other than English

Author Guidelines

Submission of a manuscript:

Authors must submit their manuscripts online through the KrJS website: Submission of a manuscript implies that:

  • the work described has not been published before in any format including languages other than English;
  • it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else;
  • its publication has been approved by all co-authors;
  • in case of any claims for compensation, the publisher will have no legal responsibility;
  • responsibility for the accuracy of the manuscript content lies entirely on the authors.

Publication of a manuscript:

Manuscripts are accepted for publication after been critically reviewed and approved by at least two referees, nominated by the Editors.

The suggestions and recommendations of the reviewers and Editors, for corrections/amendments will be forwarded to the corresponding author, who will return soft copy of the corrected manuscript to the Editors within the stipulated date.

Plagiarism policy:

Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not tolerated by the journal. Before submitting the manuscript to the journal online system, the authors should check the originality of the manuscript by Turniton software or any of the other similar tools for checking similarity index. Overall, the similarity index should be below 19 percent. Manuscripts submitted to the journal may be checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software.


When the study, described in the manuscript, is related to experiments carried out on human beings and/or animals, author(s) must inform, within the text, if the research project has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of their institution.

Types of contributions:

The journal accepts original research articles, review articles and invited articles in special issues from all areas of science

Preparation of a manuscript:

The manuscript must be typewritten, submitted as a Microsoft Word file. Each Table and Figure shall be inserted in close proximity to where it is first mentioned in the text. Only manuscripts written in English will be considered.

Article should contain the following headings:

  • Title
  • Authors with Affiliations (may be primary and secondary)/ one corresponding author
  • Abstract (150 to 200 words)
  • Three to five key-words
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements (optional)
  • References

Manuscripts should be typed on A4 (210 x 297mm) page, 1.5 line spaced throughout and with at least 2.5 cm margins. All pages must be numbered consecutively. Times New Roman 11 Font should be used. The text must be arranged in following order: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (optional) and References. The Editors recommend that a manuscript should be critically read by someone fluent in English before submission. Manuscripts written in poor English will not be accepted.

Terminology, Units and Abbreviations:

  • Technical terms and abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in the text.
  • Use of internationally accepted signs and symbols for units, so-called SI units

         (International Systems of Units).

  • The Genus and species name of organisms should be in italic and written full when stated first time. Theabbreviation of genus name and full species name must be followed in subsequent cases e.g. Pseudomonas arenginos (first time) arenginosa thereafter.


Title: Should be as brief as possible, abbreviations other than universally accepted in title will not be allowed, must be truly indicative of the subject of the paper.

Abstract: The abstract should summarize the content of the paper and should be meaningful. An abstract should not contain references, tables or unusual abbreviations.

Introduction:  Should provide the reader with sufficient information so that the results reported in the article can be proper evaluated without referring to the literature. The introduction should also give the rationale for and objectives of the study that is being reported.

Materials and Methods: This section should provide enough information for other investigators to repeat the work. Repetition of details procedures which has already been published elsewhere should be avoided. If a published method is modified, such modification(s) must be described in the paper. Sources of reagents, culture media and equipment (company, city, country) should be mentioned clearly in the text.

Results: The section should, by means of text, tables and/or figures, give the results of the experiments. Avoid extensive interpretation of results but do so in the Discussion section. Tables and figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals. All tables and figures must be referred to in the text.

Discussion: In this section the results should be discussed in relation to the literature cited. The discussion section should be as concise as possible and should include a brief statement of the principal findings, a discussion of the validity of the observations, a discussion of the findings in light of other published work dealing with the same or closely related subjects, and a statement of the possible significance of the work.

Acknowledgments (optional): Those who contributed to the work but do not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments with a description of the contribution. Authors are responsible for ensuring that anyone named in the Acknowledgments agrees to be named.


In-text citations

Narrative citations: If an in-text citation has the authors' names as part of the sentence (that is, outside of brackets) place the year in brackets immediately after the name, and use 'and' between the authors’ names:  Mehmood and Murtaza (2017).

Parenthetical citations: If an in-text citation has the authors' names in brackets use "&" between the authors' names :(Mehmood and Murtaza, 2017).

Single author

Protein content was estimated according to the method of Bradford (1976).

The protein contents were estimated by using well developed assay (Bradford, 1976).

Two authors

Mehmood and Murtaza (2017) studied the influence of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles on biochemical contents in seeds of Pisum sativum.

The biosynthesized silver nanoparticles influenced the protein and carbohydrate contents in seeds of Pisum sativum (Mehmood and Murtaza, 2017).

For three or more authors,

use the first author and "et al." for all in-text citations.

Ahmed et al. (2019) investigated the distribution pattern and associated flora of Jurinea dolomiaea in the western Himalayan.

Jurinea dolomiaea distribution pattern and associated flora of in the western Himalayan was investigated by earlier researchers (Ahmed et al., 2019).

Citing more than one work in the same set of brackets in text

The citations will go in the same order in which they will appear in your reference list (i.e. alphabetical order, then oldest to newest for works by the same author) and be separated by a semi-colon. e.g.:

  • (Bradford, 1976; Mehmood & Murtaza, 2017; Ahmed et al., 2019).
  • (Mehmood & Murtaza, 2017; 2018)
  • (Ahmed et al., 2017a; 2017b)

List all references at the end, in alphabetical order. Surname or last name. Make sure that all the references quoted in the text are listed in the references list. Several papers by the same author and same year must be followed by a, b, c, etc. after the year. Following information must be provided for each reference.

Author or authors; Publication year; Title of article/book; Full name of journal;
Volume (issue number); inclusive pages. For books and proceedings, name of publisher and location is needed.

Journal Reference:

  1. Bradford, M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of proteins utilizing the principle of protein dye-binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72:248-254.

  2. Ahmed MJ, Murtaza G, Shaheen H, & Habib T. 2020. Distribution pattern and associated flora of Jurinea dolomiaea in the western Himalayan highlands of Kashmir: An indicator endemic plant of alpine phytodiversity. Ecological Indicators. 116 (2020) 106461.
  3. Mehmood A & Murtaza G. 2017. Impact of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles on protein and carbohydrate contents in seeds of Pisum sativum L. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology. 17(4): 334-340.

Book Reference:

  1. Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.

Book Chapter Reference:

  1. Lawrence, J. A., & Dodds, A. E. (2003). Goal-directed activities and life-span development. In: J. Valsiner & K. Connolly (Eds.), Handbook of developmental psychology (pp. 517-533). Sage Publications.


Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author (first named author if no corresponding author is identified) and should be returned within 72 hours of receipt. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors: any others may be charged to the author. Any queries should be answered in full. Please note that authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before return as the inclusion of late corrections cannot be guaranteed.

Publication Charges:

The Journal does not charge a submission fee or article processing fee.  Corresponding author will receive only PDF no hard copies of the reprints or journal copy will be supplied.

Source of Funding:

Kashmir Journal of Science is published and owned by the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. All the cost of publication is managed by the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.