An Ethnobotanical survey of wild plants of Samror and Khuiratta, District Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Medicinal plants of Kotli
An ethnobotanical survey was conducted to document the traditional and medicinal uses of wild flora of Samror and Khuiratta, District Kotli Azad Kashmir. Traditional uses of different plant species were recorded using a semi-structured questionnaire, interviews, and direct observations during fieldwork. A total of 100 medicinal plants belonging to 48 plant families were recorded. The most dominant plant families were Lamiaceae with 9 species followed by Poaceae and Asteraceae with 6 species respectively. Leaves were the most frequently used part of a plant against common diseases. Plants with high use value were Oxalis corniculata L, Mentha royleana Benth, Cannabis sativa L and Malva sylvestris L. There is a need to record overall diversity, ethnomedicinal applications and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants of the area.