Diversity and Conservation Status of Large Mammals in Ghamot National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
Ghamot National Park, Diversity, Distributions, Large Mammals, RichnessAbstract
We assessed the richness, diversity, composition of the large mammal community in Ghamot National Park (GNP), Neelum valley Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, and how these characteristics differed between four habitat types: forest, riparian zone, scrubland, and wetland, as well as between seasons. Across all locales with 66 line transect surveys (53km), indirect observation had the highest sampling (n=131; 76.60%) while direct observation had the lowest (n=40; 23.39). Fecal dropping was the most common type of indirect evidence (n=73; 55.72%), followed by foot prints (n=29; 9.94%) and dens/latrine (n=19; 14.50%). The Scrubland zone had the most indirect evidences (n=37) of any zone (elevation ranges between 2600-3600m).The forest zone (elevation ranges between 2700-3450m) had the second highest sampling (n=28), followed by the Alpine Zone (n=28), Riparian Zone (n=21), and Alpine Pasture Zone (n=16) (elevation 4000-4400m; habitat type high alpine pastures). By using direct and indirect field evidence, 14 species from 6 families were identified. Unfortunately, the number of species encountered directly was low in this study; four species (28.57%) were directly observed, including Canis aureus, Vulpes vulpes, Macaca mulatta, and Semnopithecus ajax, while the remaining ten (71.42%) were observed indirectly. Summer had the most direct and indirect observations (n=86; 50.29%), followed by winter (n=85; 49.70%). (4.28). Season had little effect on species richness, diversity, and composition across or within habitat types. However, the richness of species varied greatly across seasons among the four habitat types. The forest and riparian zone had the greatest similarity in species composition, both between and among seasons. Finally, our findings show that GNP has an essential influence in Pakistan mammal conservation. Our findings will provide as a baseline for park management to make effective conservation decisions, as well as a baseline for researchers conducting similar ecological studies.
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