The Nutritional Analysis, Phytochemical and Antifungal Study of Equisetum arvense L. From Village Kharkay Pak Afghan Border District Dir Lower, Pakistan
Phytochemistry, antifungal, nutritional analysis, Equisetum arvense L, Dir lower, PakistanAbstract
The objective of the present study was to study the nutritional analysis, and antifungal activities and find out the presence of phytochemicals in the aqueous, ethanol, and methanol extracts of Equisetum arvense L collected from different areas of Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa by both quantitative and qualitative screening methods. In qualitative analysis, the phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids, tannins, Phlobatannins, flavonoids, carbohydrates, phenols, saponin, cardiac glycosides, proteins, volatile oils, resins, glycosides, and terpenoids were screened. In quantitative analysis, the phytochemical compounds such as total phenolic and total flavonoids were quantified. The ethanolic fern extract performed well to show positivity rather than aqueous and methanolic extracts for the 13 phytochemicals. In quantitative analysis, the important secondary metabolite total phenol and total flavonoid content were tested. The ethanolic extract of total flavonoids and total phenol content were the highest. Also comparatively studied for nutritional analysis. Ash in Sample from junikalay 26.44%, 22.83%, in sample from Shahi Benshay and 6.01% in sample from Bara Bala. Moisture was found at 18.69% in a sample from Bara Banda and the lowest amount was found in Shahi at 10.27%. Protein highest amount was found in a sample from Chmarks at 4.37% and the lowest amount was found in a sample from Kas Kuruna at 0.85 %. Fats' highest amount was 74.27% in a sample from Bara Banda and the lowest amount was found in a sample from Shahi Benshay 47.17%. The antifungal activity of all samples collected from different areas showed inhibition against each fungal strand. The most active among the plants was a sample from Joni Klay with a 17.00mm zone of inhibition.
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