Extraction, Isolation and Biosynthetic Scheme of Terpenoids and its Pharmaceutical Activities in Drug Designing and Drug Development


  • Hakeemullah
  • Yousaf Khan
  • Abdul Sattar
  • Muhammad Nawaz
  • Syed Amin Ullah
  • Muhammad Shakir Naeem
  • Madeeha Bibi




A large number of biological and pharmacological effects can be attributed to a class of naturally occurring compounds called terpenoids, also known as terpenes. These methods have shown promise in treating a wide range of infectious disorders, from bacteria and fungi to inflammation and even cancer. Terpenoids are built from two separate five-carbon-atom "backbones" in their most basic form. Monoterpenes (C10), sesquiterpenes (C15), diterpenes (C20), and sesterterpenes (C25) are only a few examples of the various terpenoid classes that may be broken down by the number of carbon atoms in their carbon skeletons. Synthesis may take place either chemically or biologically, and both methods can be employed to manufacture terpenoids. Drugs generated from terpenoids may be synthesised using a number of chemical routes; these routes are all now serving vital roles in modern medicine. This review will cover the multiple medicinal benefits of terpenoids, as well as their extraction and separation, structural elucidation, biosynthesis, chemical synthesis, and biosynthesis.



How to Cite

Hakeemullah, Yousaf Khan, Abdul Sattar, Muhammad Nawaz, Syed Amin Ullah, Muhammad Shakir Naeem, & Madeeha Bibi. (2023). Extraction, Isolation and Biosynthetic Scheme of Terpenoids and its Pharmaceutical Activities in Drug Designing and Drug Development. Kashmir Journal of Science, 2(2), 7–23. https://doi.org/10.63147/krjs.v2i2.11

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