Correlation and heritability estimation for agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes
Correlation, heritability, agronomic traits, yieldAbstract
The current study was conducted at the Botanical Garden, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SAU, Tandojam during the Kharif season 2023. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The ten genotypes Shandar, NIA Mehran, Sarshar, Shua-92, Shabab, NIA-19/A, Shandar-100-1, Shandar-200-1, Shandar-200-2, and NIA-Mehran-100-1 were evaluated for these traits i.e. days to heading, days to flowering, plant height, tillers hill-1, panicle length, fertility %, no. of florets panicle-1, grain yield hill-1. The ANOVA revealed that all the traits were significant and showed great variation among the rice genotypes except fertility%. The relationship of days to heading with DTF (0.987**), TPH (0.564**), and GYPH (0.363*) was positive and significant. The relationship of days to flowering with TPH (0.630**), and GYPH (0.455*) was positive and significant. The association of tillers hill-1 with PL (-0.513**) was negative but significant. While the relationship with FPP (-0.289NS) and FPCNT (-0.090NS) was negative and non-significant. However, its relationship with GYPH (0.704**) was positive and highly significant. All the traits showed high heritability showing minimal environmental effect, however, panicle length and fertility% showed medium heritability showing some environmental effect on them.References
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nadir Ali Bhangar; Farah Arain, Mohammad Iqbal Pandrani, Naila Khan, Ghazala Soomro, Faiza Rao, Nimra Rao, Irshad Ali Pandrani, Abdul Hakeem Jamro

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